The Fettle Box was setup by UK stove collector Ross Mellows aka 'Spiritburner' & founder of the websites Classic Camp Stoves & Classic Pressure Lamps (& Heaters)
After many years of 'fettling' stoves & lamps he'd grown increasingly frustrated with the quality of available seals & like many collectors started to make his own. Nitrile is the commonly used material for the rubber seals in lamps & stoves & he found seals made from this material rarely lasted a year before they turned to a black mush or had swollen & blistered. He then discovered VITON. This superior material was a revelation & provided the longevity & reliabily he was after. The huge drawback was the cost. Initially he set out to recoup some of his outlay by selling washers made from my surplus stocks. As he was making these himself & cutting out the middle man he was able to offer VITON washers for prices comparable, often cheaper than nitrile offerings.
His seals & washers proved to be very popular so production has now increased with the use of a quality press & tooling meaning we are still able to cut out the middle man & offer great prices to fellow collectors & enthusiast users via this online store.
We look forward to welcoming you as a customer.
Happy Fettling!
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